How To Build Your Inner Strength and Self-Esteem

Experiencing low self-esteem and (perceived) emotional weakness are two of the most common difficulties that I see in my counseling clients. In particular, almost all of my female clients report that they at least experience some instances of low self-esteem or lacking strength within themselves. Most of them have these feelings on a regular basis.

My passion is teaching women how to build themselves up to the point where they know for absolute certainty that they are amazing human beings capable of taking control of their own lives. In this post, I have put together a collection of the specific practices and methods that I teach my clients on how to improve this area of their lives.

Each section of this post contains a short description of the practice and then ends with a link to one of my previous posts that dives deeper into each topic. This will be your one stop shop for building your confidence and self-esteem. So, if you’re ready to start feeling stronger and more confident in your own life, keep reading on.

*This post may contain affiliate links. I may receive a commission on products or services purchased through those links. However, I do not promote any product or service that I do not fully support or believe in.

Inner Strength from Spiritual Practices

Our spiritual health, for most people, is one of the most neglected areas of our overall health. Too many people equate their spirituality to their religious beliefs, but they are two different things. Even if you do not ascribe to a particular religious affiliation, you still have a spiritual part of you that needs to be nurtured.

It is a fact that we are all spiritual creatures that are connected together and impact each other. The work you do on yourself will have a ripple effect in the world. Tending to your spiritual needs through specific practices and routines can assist you in connecting to yourself and others in a completely different way.

Getting in touch with your soul and the universe around you is getting in touch with your true self. If you choose to make this a priority you will begin to see your relationship with yourself grow and flourish.

Boost Self-Esteem Using Crystals and Essential Oils

As you begin or continue to make your spiritual health a priority, there are some tools that you can use to deepen your practices even further. Two of my favorite tools to use, that are great for beginners, are crystals and essential oils.

These are tools that impact your energetic experience of the world around you. They can influence the vibration of your physical body as well as the energy of your thoughts and emotions. Using specific types of crystals or oils will result in different effects.

In this post here I go into detail about which crystals and oils specifically will enhance your self-esteem and inner strength. It also walks you through exactly how to use these tools So if you are a complete newbie to these items, I would definitely recommend reading through it before you start using them. 

Practicing Mindfulness

One of the most common situations where people experience low self-esteem or self-doubt is in situations where they are stuck in their heads. They are worrying, over-analyzing, ruminating, over-thinking, and not fully experiencing what's going on around them.

By becoming more mindful and present in yourself, you can begin to look at situations for what they truly are rather than what your mind tries to convince you they are. Implementing a mindfulness practice into your routine will build a strong foundation for the rest of these practices to build from.

Want to learn more about creating a mindfulness practice for yourself? Click here to read another of my posts all about practicing mindfulness for increased confidence and self-worth.

Wanna dive even deeper into your mindfulness practice??

Well do I have the dream experience for you! I have partnered with Sounds True to bring you a one in a lifetime learning opportunity that will take your mindfulness practice above and beyond your wildest dreams. The course is called The Power of Awareness and it is hosted by the two biggest powerhouses in the field of mindfulness, Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach. This is the first training program from the Awareness Training Institute, founded by Jack and Tara, to share their combined eight decades of spiritual teachings and meditation work with participants from all around the world. 

In this breakthrough seven-week course, you’ll explore

  • Healing difficult emotions, feelings, thoughts, and states of mind

  • Simple techniques to access mindfulness by using your breath and body

  • Becoming comfortable with both joys and sorrows

  • Beginning to cultivate loving awareness for all beings and situations

  • Discovering the beauty of starting exactly where you are

So are you ready to take your awareness to the next level? Enter your info below to learn more!

Discover the Power of Awareness for Yourself!

Enter your info below to learn more about how to bring the power of the present moment into your life

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    Build Trust in Yourself

    Trust is THE most important aspect of any relationship that you are a part of and your relationship with yourself is no exception. If you do not fully trust yourself then how are you supposed to love yourself or believe in yourself?

    It is not about trusting that you will always succeed, it is about trusting that you will be okay no matter what the outcome is. You have to trust that you will be able to make any situation in life work for you, especially those that do not go the way that you planned.

    To start building trust in yourself, it's all about creating opportunities to practice trusting yourself. So start making more decisions throughout your day, big or small, and become very aware of your reaction to those outcomes. Are you criticizing yourself or being compassionate? Do you learn from your mistakes or do you continue to make the same ones over and over? How you choose to react to the decisions you make will determine whether or not you believe that you are trustworthy.

    If you struggle with self-doubt and want some tangible practices for moving past it, click here to get your free copy of my Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Self-Doubt. It is full of specific practices for your mind, body, and soul that you can start implementing today.

    Want to really dive deep into your self-trust journey??

    Well I have a once in a lifetime opportunity for you! What if I told you that you could learn all about how to love and accept yourself from 30 of the most well known experts on the topic from the comfort of your own home? Sounds a bit too good to be true? Well my friend, I am here to tell you that it is absolutely 100% true!

    The Self-Acceptance Summit hosts 30 teachers who are all life long experts in the field of self-love. You will learn the ins and outs of your relationship with yourself and how to better it for good! You do not want to let this opportunity get away because I promise that it will transform your life! So if you are ready to finally begin loving yourself unconditionally, enter your info below and begin on your journey!

    Discover the Power of Self-Acceptance!

    Enter your info below to learn more about how to accept yourself fully and unconditionally by working with more than 30 field experts.

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      Explore Who You Are

      If you were trying to improve your relationship with another person, one of the places you would start is getting to know them better. So why not do the same thing with yourself?

      For whatever reason we seem to spend so much time and energy actively avoiding getting to know ourselves and then wonder why we don't like ourselves. Well why should you like yourself if you are indirectly telling your mind that you are not worth getting to know?

      So a great place to start with building self-esteem is to explore who you are, what you like/don't like, our beliefs, your habits, your thought patterns . . . the list can go on and on. Get curious about yourself and really dive deep as if you were getting to know a stranger because you may be a stranger to yourself at this point.

      Don’t know where to start? Check out these 10 journaling prompts for increased confidence, packed nicely into their own digital journal, to start exploring yourself on a deeper level.

      Improving self esteem.png

      Practicing Mindfulness to Increase Confidence


      7 Grounding Exercises for the Over-Thinker